NGT has preserved 53 community gardens, ranging from single house lots to our largest 3.7 acre growing space. They vary from food producing gardens, to flower and sitting gardens, to other unique community-centered open spaces. NGT is working to protect a total of 70 gardens by 2026.
When gardens are protected, the gardeners who cultivate and care for these precious spaces continue to manage them in the day to day. We provide ongoing assistance with liability insurance, real estate taxes, and capital improvements (with support from PHS).
If you are looking for a garden plot at an NGT garden, you can start by looking at the map to identify gardens by location. Once you select specific gardens you are interested in, click on the map pinpoint and then “More Info” to find more details on the garden and the best contact person. If you are having trouble, email ngt@pennhort.org. Demand for garden plots is high and many NGT gardens have wait lists.